Foto de Jorge Barreiro Estados Unidos

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Nationality: Cuban

Date of Birth: July 27th, 1965

Place of Birth: Havana City. Cuba

Graduated as a Mechanic...

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¡Mira todo lo que te ofrecemos!
27.56 x 35.43 in
29.92 x 39.37 in
54.72 x 69.69 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
33.86 x 33.86 in
35.43 x 39.37 in

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Foto de Jorge Barreiro Estados Unidos

Nationality: Cuban

Date of Birth: July 27th, 1965

Place of Birth: Havana City. Cuba

Graduated as a Mechanic Designer.

Member of The Cuban Association of Artists and Artisans (ACCA) in Cuba since 1995 in the artistic expression of papier Mache and that of The Hermanos Saiz Association since 1998. Born in Havana, Cuba and date of birth is July 27th, 1965. Mechanical designer of profession, member of the Cuban Association of Artists Artisans (ACAA) of the Cuban Fund of Cultural Goods, from 1995 in the manifestation of Papier Mache, and of the Association Siblings Saiz from 1998.

Its inclination for the painting is not due to any school formation, it is only self taught.

In their painting, chose an own stamp that identifies it inside the surrealist pictorial current. With figurative topics it recreates a world of stylized feminine characters full with music, nostalgia and with their own internal conflicts.

It achieves an atmosphere with a particular palette and the use of transparencies, absences of logical perspectives the perfect composition in their painting.

Founder of Havana Gallery in Chicago City, USA.

His artistic bent towards painting is not originated from any professional training. It is solely autodidact.

Permanent Exhibition

- Gallery “Havana Gallery”, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

- Gallery “Discoveries in Art”, Greenwich, Connecticut, USA.


- Award-winning painting, \"Spanish Heritage in America\" ​​Museum of the America, Doral, Florida, October 2009.

- Award-winning painting, \"Art Fest @ Doral,\" Carlos Albizu University, Doral City, May, 2001.

Personal Exhibition

- “Retrospectiva de 5 años” (“5 Years Retrospective”), Havana Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, USA. September 21, 2001.

- “Continuación y Desafío” (“Continuation and Challenge”) Orígenes Gallery, Gran Teatro de la Habana “García Lorca”, July 1998.

- “Inicios” (“Beginings”) Orígenes Gallery, Gran Teatro de la Habana “García Lorca” October 24,1997.

Group Exhibition

- “Homenaje a la mujer cubana”, (“Tribute to the Cuban Woman”) García Lorca Theater, May 2004.

- “Pulsaciones”, (“ Pulses”) Capitolio de la Habana, May 16, 2002 .

- “Herencia Hispánica en América 2000”( Spanish Inheritance in America 2000), Latin American Fine Arts Museum, Coral Gables, Florida, October 6, 2000.

- “Pintura Cubana de Fin de Siglo” (End of Century Cuban Painting) Head office of the Catalonian Association of Artistic Entities) ACEA’S, January 1999, Spain.

- “Hecho en Cuba” (Made in Cuba) March 1999, Spain.

- “Una vez más” (Once More) Galiano Gallery, agosto de 1999; Cuba.

- “Proyecto Horizontal en Portugal” ( Horizontal Project in Portugal) Vidigueira and Beja Citie, February 1998.

- “Mito: esperanza ecléctica de la luz” (Mith: Eclectic Hope of The Light) “La Madriguera” Gallery Head office of Hermanos Saíz Association May 1998; Cuba.

- Cuban Institute of Radio and Television (I.C.R.T.), 1998; Cuba.

- About “Arte Africano” (African Arts) sponsored by The Cuban Association of Artists and Artisan (ACAA), La Habana, Cuba, 1997.

- “Homenaje a Antonia” (Tribute to Antonia) sponsored by The Cuban Association of Artists and Artisans (ACAA) Cuba, 1997.

- “Joven Pintura Cubana” (Young Cuban Painting) Lisboa, Portugal, May 5, 1997

- Group “Proyecto Horizontal” (Horizontal Project) “Forma” Gallery, La Habana, Cuba, 1995.

- “Spanish Heritage in America” Museum of the America, Doral, Florida, October 2009.

- “Contemporary Art”, L. Y. Canes Art Gallery, calle 8, Pequeña Habana, July 30, 2010.

- “Memorias” Leal’s Gallery, calle 8, Pequeña Habana, September 17, 2010.

- “Art Fest @ Doral”, Carlos Albizu University, Doral City, May, 2001.

Personal Collections

Personal Works are in private collections in different countries around the world such as: England, France, Germany, Austria, and the United States of America.

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